

Balsamiq Mockups


Today, I’m burning my time by taking a research on Google to look for free mockup design software or application that will make my work faster and easier in producing website design mockups. Usually, what I do is to use Adobe Photoshop to design page mockups to my work or freelance projects but it take me hours to finish it. Challenging and fun to do yet complicated.

Until I searched Balsamiq website and downloaded the application to my PC. I installed it, tested to create page mockup and found out that it was easy to use this application. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like.


Balsamiq is fun and easy to use and very helpful if you need first to create website design mockups or wireframes as a proposal first before designing the actual page look and feel in Adobe Photoshop. Download it now and you can add it as one of your technology skills. Trust me; it’s easy to use without a tutorial because the application’s user interface is very user-friendly.

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